At an event earlier this week at the UT Club in Austin, TX Garry Meier presented “Small Business Playbook for the New Economy” to business advisors and small business executives.
Garry’s presentation highlighted the current affect of the Stimulus Bill on small business (Garry participated in the US Senate Small Business Advisory Panel back in Feb 2009 when the Stimulus Bill was being created), and forecasted the state of the union for small business.
Garry also shared his “required actions” that executives must take to protect and create wealth in the new economy.
“In 2009 and beyond, wealth will be created for ‘perform businesses’ that are the most productive, cost efficient, promote and excel at change management, and focus on being REALLY good at a few things.”
“Prosperity and economic growth has no doubt been suspended for the near future. Small businesses that are and will prosper illustrate unique business models that add significant value to the consumer... change is upon us and those that embrace it and make it an asset will enjoy opportunistic times”
Download the full presentation: Small Business Playbook for the New Economy.