Start by asking the right questions:
- Are you overpaying or underpaying your employees? How do your non-monetary benefits compare to other local companies that you compete for talent with? (Benefits Philosophy)
- Are you getting your monies’ worth from your employees? i.e. Is your compensation driving the right behaviors and results? Is your compensation aligned with your financial expectations? (Compensation Philosophy)
- Do your managers deal with performance issues, good and bad, in a pragmatic and straightforward manner? Do you make good judgments in this area? Do you have effective decision makers? (Manager Effectiveness)
- Is the work environment a ‘High Performance Workforce’? What has been done to create “People Scale” and “Management Scale” in the business? (Scalability)
- Do you have more “A Players” than the competition? Do you have all the capabilities and skills needed to succeed? Are all of our people consistently doing the right activities and illustrate the proper behaviors to support the success of the business? Is succession planning in place for managers and leaders? (Workforce Planning)
- Does the organizational culture positively impact the business? Are all of your people consistently being productive and effective? (Role Clarity)
- Are employees doing the right job at the right time, the right way in the right quantity? Do you know what the right activities for the business are and can they be recognized when they occur? (Qualities of Right Philosophy)
- What programs are in place to DRIVE consistent performance and productivity? Are your people outperforming the competition? (Performance Development)
- Are your employees fully motivated, engaged and aligned with the financial objectives of the business? (Constituency Alignment)
- Are “Proactive Defense “ programs and process in place? Are you in compliance with the numerous federal and state laws? How much executive and management time is wasted on mundane or people compliance issues? Are all workforce risks effectively mitigated? (People Costs)
If you cannot answer “YES” to the majority of the above ten questions then there is ample room for improvement.