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September 19, 2009


Mark Willaman

OUTSTANDING blog post Charles! And thanks for including HRmarketer in your blog. I wrote a blog aabout a year ago on a related topic, "The Consolidation Myth in the HR Marketplace. And the Importance of Marketing" that touched upon some of these themes you talk about. Check it out here: http://hrmarketer.blogspot.com/2008/11/consolidation-myth-in-hr-marketplace.html

While I don't want to as you say "debate the adoption rates of small business" I do believe that cost (and limited choice) has been a major reason for many small businesses reluctance to invest in HR systems (not the only and maybe not the primary reason) but with costs coming down so significantly and more HR technology companies entering the space and more savvy buyers the inflection point that you discuss is likely to be lower in the coming years.

- Mark Willaman, Founder of HRmarketer.

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